Technology Trends, Powered by The State of the American Traveler
In this year’s webinar, “Technology Trends,” powered by The State of the American Traveler, Miles Partnership and Future Partners looked into exciting new insights and data on the latest technologies and media reshaping travel.
We explored how U.S. travelers are applying technology, media, search, and social media to their trip planning this year. Well, over half of leisure travelers (87%) state they’re excited about leisure travel in the next twelve months. The growing use of social media and video in travel inspiration continues to rise, and nearly half (47.8%) of travelers claim they use social media as a trip-planning resource. Guest speaker Farah Shirzadi, Strategic Partner Development Manager with Google’s Travel and Local Search products, joined us to share new user experiences utilizing these technologies and touch on the importance of high-quality content-powering features across Google. Plus, C.A. Clark of Miles Partnership shared updates, tricks and tools from “AI Opener,” the global AI training and support program for destination organizations.